If you're looking for an account to help you manage your retirement we can help. Australian Military Bank has a range of retirement savings accounts that are low cost and easy to manage.
Talk to our Retirement Product Specialist, Gowhar Rezvi, about finding the right account to suit you and your life stage. To find out more about Gowhar, click here.
Use the arrows to scroll through the many Australian Military Bank Superannuation options RESET
Guaranteed against negative returns4.80% p.a.Fixed term and variable rate options
Guaranteed against negative returns4.80% p.a.Fixed term and variable rate options
Specifically designed for self-managed super funds4.15% p.a.Self-managed
The small print
1The maximum rate on the Capital Guaranteed Super and Pension Accounts are available for fixed term investments of 12 months.
Rates effective 19 December 2024 and are subject to change at Australian Military Bank’s discretion.
This information does not take into account your personal objectives, financial situations or needs, you should read the Product Disclosure Statement relating to each of these products and obtain your own financial advice before making a decision about products available at The Target Market Determinations (TMD) for our products are available at These products are issued by Australian Military Bank Ltd ABN 48 087 649 741 AFSL 237 988 and Australian credit licence number 237 988.
The small print
1The maximum rate on the Capital Guaranteed Super and Pension Accounts are available for fixed term investments of 12 months.
Rates effective 19 December 2024 and are subject to change at Australian Military Bank’s discretion.
This information does not take into account your personal objectives, financial situations or needs, you should read the Product Disclosure Statement relating to each of these products and obtain your own financial advice before making a decision about products available at The Target Market Determinations (TMD) for our products are available at These products are issued by Australian Military Bank Ltd ABN 48 087 649 741 AFSL 237 988 and Australian credit licence number 237 988.